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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Real Estate Market Winners and Losers in 2020

As the home price rally continues, the market is beginning to be bifurcated into some areas where prices keep climbing unabated and others where home price gains have begun to plateau. The main factor that will influence prices in...

Here's What the Housing Market Has in Store for the Rest of 2020

The housing market is notoriously difficult to assess. That's partially because it's spread out across the country, and income levels in regions are drastically variable. However, it's also because...

Dealing with a "Frozen" Housing Market? Here Are Buying and Selling Tips

Right now, the housing market in the United States and many countries abroad is considered "frozen". In other words, government restrictions as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic has left many who were...

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery Over the past decade, Australia has been competing with European nations like Sweden and Germany to be a hub for social justice in the world, inviting in many more...

How to Talk to Your Landlord About COVID-19

Like many Americans, you may have either fallen behind on your rent or are at risk for doing so in the near future. While evictions are barred right now, you may be in danger once the moratorium expires. However, you are not as muc...

More Public Calls for Free Housing

Police brutality is something that objectively exists in America. Many will chalk this up to systemic racism. Others, who have seen the data of how it breaks down per racial category, will claim it's just a problem with the police an...

How to Lock in Mortgage Rates While They're at Record Lows

If you are looking to buy a property, one of the most important things you need to think about is mortgage rates. Just a one percent difference in interest saves people an average of about $60,000 over the life of th...

COVID-19 Creates a New Type of Housing Boom

A remarkable 35% of renters have missed a rental payment between March and July because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many renters are in low-wage jobs in service industries that were hit hard by closures enacted in order to slow the s...

These 8 Cities Are Right on the Brink of a Major Housing Market Slump

For the most part, the housing market is looking relatively strong despite all the unrest from COVID-19. However, there are a few areas where the pandemic has greatly affected housing. Regions that had ov...