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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Mini Housing Boom in July Stands as Hopeful Indicator

Life in America has been more than a little stressful in 2020. Even if one were to magically take away all of the protests and riots that erupted over systemic injustice in American policing, and even if one happened t...

Why Building Homes Won't Actually Solve the Housing Crisis

As you may already be aware, the nation is currently in the middle of a housing crisis. Millions of Americans are finding it hard to get affordable housing, and the American dream of homeownership is out of grasp fo...

6 Key Factors to Consider before Buying a House

Purchasing a house is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life. For this reason, you need to be keen on every detail that involves that purchase. You don't want to live in regret because you overlook...

Securing Your Home: The Basics of Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners' insurance is an absolute necessity when you own a home. It'll safeguard your house and its contents and offer coverage for personal liability if disaster strikes, like natural calamities, theft, or...

Is Your Housing Situation Affected by COVID-19? Here Are Some Options

The Coronavirus pandemic is officially recognized in every state as well as the federal government. On March 27, 2020, the most comprehensive public aid package in American history was signed into law by P...

Pandemic Brings Up Questions of Housing Rights

Last week, rent strikes broke out in New York and a few other states, where thousands of people gathered around during the height of the virus pandemic to protest for free housing, among other things. Although it was simply l...

Looking to Save Money with an Interest-Only Mortgage? Consider This First

Continued low-interest rates are making it more attractive than ever to lock in a mortgage. Many borrowers are increasingly looking toward interest-only mortgagee to take advantage of these historical...

COVID Boosts These Real Estate Trends While Causing Others to Slow Down

Being aware of real estate trends can help you make good decisions when buying, selling, or renting property. However, a lot of tried and true housing trends are being turned on their head by the COVID-1...

What Do the Record Low Number of Home Listings Mean for You?

As we move into the new year, the housing market continues to heat up. With plenty of motivated buyers and a lack of interested sellers, most housing regions are facing an inventory problem. Whether you are a homeo...